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Four of Swords

हिंदी के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें

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The Upright Readings

temporary exile, strife, retreat, Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation

To know this card, it is necessary to know Ashwatthama. The things shown here are indicative of life like Ashwatthama. There are some incidents in your life due to which you have to leave your place for a while or you will have to leave the place, called temporary exile. Your life has always been a story of struggle. The struggle is not a fight. Struggle means, you have to try different tactics to hit the target.

Getting inadequate things, to get adjust to the things is a struggle. In this, you may have to retreat with cleverness or your strength may decrease due to any other reason. Please remember it is not your defeat. You have got the time to rest. Meditation is to concentrate your energies by contemplating. Develop your strategy. With a strategy, the struggle will restart. The final victory will be yours. You will get health benefits due to meditation.

The Reverse Readings

social unrest, labor strikes, renewed activity, Exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, stagnation

This card is telling that there will be a social disturbance. Society means there can be fights with the neighbors. There can be fights at work place. There will be a fight with unknown people in the traffic. Your house cleaner, or staff, or other workers may refuse to work or go on leave.

There will be labor strikes. The activity may have to be started afresh. This will make you feel tired. People will be jealous of you because you have deep contemplation. There is a pause in your life, infinite peace; you will have to work hard to maintain it.

European Tarot card study points:

tarot.ideazunlimited.net.olive leaves

A worrier is on the deathbed. One sword is inside his yellow bed, (it's not caffeine). He is praying with Indian style "Namaskar" Three swords are on the wall.

Two women image is on tinted glass. It is wither window or a painting on the wall because the vertical rod is creating the illusion of a window. The human figure and swords are the sketch only, skin, cloth or swords have no color.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

An Indian worrier is wounded lying on the ground. He is Ashwatthama. He is immortal. Ashwatthama cannot die; he has a curse to live with wounds, in disguise. The battlefield is scattered. The four words are scattered. Battle vehicles are scattered. Even if he is alive his right hand is not in its position.

It is morning time. Yesterday's battle is over. No one is there to cry on his wounds.

(Who was Ashwatthama, why he was cursed?)

Who was Ashwathama:

Ashwathama is known as Drauni is the son of Dronacharyacharya and Kripi (sister of Kripacharya). He along with his father fought in the Kurukshetra war in Mahabharata from the Kauravas side against the Pandavas. He is considered an avatar of Shiva and is one of the seven Chiranjivi (immortals in Hinduism.)

Ashwathama is also immortal a living survivor of the Kurukshetra.

Dronacharyacharya spent many years in severe penance to please Lord Shiva to obtain a son who possesses the same valiance as Lord Shiva.

Ashwathama was the part incarnate of Lord Shiva. Since he was born Chiranjivi, no one could kill or defeat him. A gem was embossed on the forehead of Ashwathama, which made him powerful than other humans. The gem gives protection from hunger, thirst, and fatigue.

Dronacharyacharya was an expert in warfare. He was a poor Brahmin. He was unable to afford milk for his son. Dronacharyacharya asked King Drupada for financial help, as they were friends. King Drupada humiliated him by calling him a beggar.

Kripacharya invited Dronacharyacharya to Hastinapur after his humiliation and offered him to be the guru of Pandavas and Kauravas. Ashwathama was trained along with them. On the 10th day of the Mahabharata war, when Bhishma falls, Dronacharyacharya was appointed as the commander in chief of the Kaurava army.

Krishna knew that it is impossible to defeat armed Dronacharyacharya. So he plans to defeat him by convincing him that his son, Ashwathama is killed, on the battlefield. He knows after knowing that Ashwathama is no more Dronacharyacharya will disarm himself in grief.

Bhima killed an elephant by the name Ashwathama. The news spread, Ashwathama is killed. Dronacharyacharya was aware that one of the elephants is also called Ashwathama, so he asked everyone, which Ashwathama is no more. An elephant or my son?

Everyone replied 'Naro wa Kunjaro wa'. (Not sure, it might be the man or an elephant.)

Dronacharyacharya takes the message as his son is dead. So he disarms himself, and Dhristadyumna beheads the sage Dronacharyacharya.

Enraged by the death of his father, Ashwathama unleash Narayanastra, a weapon gifted to him by his father on the Pandava army.

Krishna saw him using the weapon and asked the Pandavas to bow down to it, the only way to calm Astra. The Pandavas did the same and survived.

After the failure of the Narayanastra, Ashwathama got more enraged and used the Agni Astra on the Pandavas. Although he could not kill the Pandavas, he managed to eradicate most of the Pandavas ' army.

After Narayanastra and Agni Astra failed, a war took place between both the parties. Ashwathama succeeded in defeating Dhrishtadyumna in direct combat but was failed to kill him. Satyaki and Bhima saved him.

When Bhima killed Duryodhana, the remaining Kaurava warriors including Ashwathama made a deadly attempt to kill the Pandavas while they were in deep sleep.

On that night Krishna asks Pandavas to shift somewhere else. Ashwathama killed the 5 sleeping people supposing they were Pandava brothers and set the camp on fire.

When Pandavas returned to the camp and learned about this dreadful incident, they become inconsolable. They went searching for Ashwathama to sage Vyasa’s ashram. Ashwathama as the last option devised a Brahmashirsha Astra from a blade of grass and invoked it against the Pandavas and Krishna.

Brahmashirsha Astra was the evolution of the Brahmastra and showered a shower of meteors to annihilate the enemy. This weapon can be invoked by using sacred mantras into any object, even to a blade of grass.

Arjuna invokes the same Astra, which he received from Dronacharyacharya himself towards Ashwathama.

On seeing the powerful Astra is heading for a head-on collision that would result in the total annihilation of the entire earth, Vyasa asked both the warriors to withdraw their weapons.

Arjuna was able to withdraw this weapon, but Ashwathama was unable to do so because Dronacharyacharya never taught him to stop it. The weapon turned into a 'one-time use' weapon.

Instead of deviating a weapon towards an uninhabited place, to explode harmlessly, he directed it to the womb of the pregnant Uttara (wife of Abhimanyu) in an attempt to end the lineage of the Pandavas.

Her son was later revived by Krishna. In this way, Ashwathama tried to kill everyone in the Pandavas ’ family. This is the reason, why Ashwathama was cursed by Krishna: As a punishment, Ashwatthama was asked to surrender the gem on his forehead. Krishna then cursed Ashwatthama for 3000 years that he will roam in the forests with blood and puss oozing out of his injuries and cry for death.

He will never get any medical help nor any accommodation to stay; he will be in total isolation without any contact or physical communication from mankind and society.

The wound caused by the removal of this gem on his forehead will not heal, and his body will suffer from a host of incurable diseases forming sores and ulcers that would never heal.